Monday, November 24, 2008

Absinthe Makes The Heart Grow Fonder

Want to party like it's 1899? Well, now you can--sort of. After nearly a century-long ban on absinthe in the U.S., a federal agency has begrudgingly allowed two European distillers to sell the mysterious liquor Stateside.

Renowned for its supposedly hallucinogenic effects, the anise-flavored spirit was rumored to have caused an epidemic of psychosis in France in the late 1800's- most infamously, leading Vincent van Gogh to cut off his ear.

Often referred to as the Green Fairy, absinthe gets its chartreuse hue from wormwood, an herb that contains the chemical thujone, which is reputed to cause hallucinations. But despite years of research discrediting the transcendental effects, new bottles can be sold in the U.S. only if they are classified as thujone-free.

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